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Why Nostalgic?

Why a trip with Nostalgic makes Europe an unforgettable experience:

Do vintage cars make your heart beat faster? Do you love beautiful vast landscapes, amazing unique cuisine, and want to enjoy the Dolce Vita to the fullest in a grand new way?

A classic car tour is an adventure for all your senses - goose bumps are guaranteed. Scenic routes, a Roadbook with which you can orientate yourself independently of the group, an exciting mix of culture and cuisine and stylish classics in excellent condition that you drive yourself: these are all the ingredients of our classic car tours. Ultimately, as our guest, you make the journey into something special, something unique for you - get engaged in this new type of experience!

Discover what experiences other travelers have had on their vintage car trip with Nostalgic, find out more about the team behind Nostalgic and find which trip with Nostalgic is right for you.

What makes our trips so memorable?

A trip with Nostalgic combines the best of everything a region has to offer - and condenses this into four or five unforgettable days that will always stick with you:

  1. Automobile history to touch: You sit behind the wheel of gleaming chrome classic cars and feel the roar of the engines.
  2. Breathtaking landscapes: You drive along beautiful routes through sublime scenery.
  3. History and Culture: You will visit remarkable sights and get exclusive guided tours in small groups where you will feel immersed into the lifestyle.
  4. Culinary Delights: We will excite your palate with regional specialties and guide you with distinct insider tips beyond the typical tourist experience.

We have been doing our best every year since 2003 to show you Europe from its most beautiful side at the wheel of our classics, and we know you will create uncomparable memories with us.

The countless testimonials from our guests show that we are successful:

Read the many experiences with Nostalgic::

'It was a wonderful 4-day experience with active days and optimal weathers. The driving was fun with the vintage cars and never felt too short. For each driving type there were suitable vehicles. The tours were accompanied and supervised by an experienced team. Driving using the roadbook instead of smartphone navigation devices is exciting and instructive, after all, the journey and the joy of driving is the goal. The tours with Alfa Romeos are an unforgettable experience for experienced and for beginning drivers. Also the accommodations and regional cuisine were outstanding!' – From 20th September 2019
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What Guests have said

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Thomas Göller, Gran Premio Nuvolari Tour
„Es war eine rundum tolle Reise: super freundliche Mitarbeiter sowohl am Telefon bei der Planung als auch vor Ort, traumhafte Streckenauswahl, top gepflegte Oldtimer, sehr schönes Hotel, perfekte Organisation.“

- "It was an all-round great trip: super friendly staff both on the phone when planning and on site, fantastic route selection, very well-kept oldtimers, very nice hotel, perfect organization."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bruno Steiger, Tour to the Almalfi Coast
„Reiseleitung, Organisation vor Ort, Stadtführerin – alles sehr gut und absolut empfehlenswert. Die Autos einfach traumhaft! Wunderschöne und unvergessliche Tage an der Amalfi-Küste 2019.“

- “Tour guide, on-site organization, city guide - all very good and absolutely recommendable. The cars are just fantastic! Wonderful and unforgettable days on the Amalfi Coast 2019. "

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Frank Kindler, Mercedes-Benz Tour through Tuscany:
„Wir hatten wirklich tolle Tage bei perfektem Wetter …. Traumhafte Autos, wunderbare Routen und ein schönes Hotel. Dazu kam noch eine perfekte Reiseleitung! Es wird nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein …“

- “We had really great days with perfect weather…. Fantastic cars, wonderful routes and a beautiful hotel. In addition there was a perfect tour guide! It won't be the last time ... "

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Miles Fisher, Los Angeles USA:
„I’ve never seen the country quite like the way I’ve seen it with Nostalgic Classic Car Travel“
We are particularly honored by the words of Miles Fisher. The Hollywood Star was a guest on our Tuscany trip with his wife. How he experienced the classic car trip and why the experience was something very special for him, he describes in the following video:

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Do you want to experience Tuscany as Miles Fisher did?
Here is the trip overview

What our guests say about the travel organization

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Thomas Zeeb, Piedmont Tour:
„Super organisiert und ein exzellentes Hotel. Mir hat auch die Freiheit an den Abenden gefallen um auch etwas Zeit für uns zu haben“

- “Super organized and an excellent hotel. I also liked the freedom in the evenings to have some time for us "

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Michael Parsch, Gran Premio Nuvolari:
„Perfektes Erlebnis bei toller Gesellschaft, fantastischen Fahrzeugen mit herrlichen Ausfahrten und super guter Organisation!! Perfekte Mischung aus Fahren, Sightseeing und kleinen Pausen an wunderschönen Orten! Kann ich vorbehaltlos immer empfehlen. Wer das nicht macht, ist selber Schuld!“

- “A perfect experience with great company, fantastic vehicles with wonderful trips and super good organization !! The perfect mix of driving, sightseeing and short breaks in beautiful locations! I can always recommend it without reservation. If you don't do that, it's your own fault! "

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Marco Brunori, Mille Miglia Tour:
“ Ein tolles Team, das wir kennen lernen durften. Sie haben uns bei dieser wundervollen Mille Miglia Reise stets begleitet, informiert und sehr professionell umrahmt. Ihr Engagement ist uns dieses Lob wert. Die Besuche und die Vorführungen der Badia a Coltibuono, Pienza und San Gimignano haben uns angenehm überrascht. Es hat uns sehr gefallen. Wir freuen uns auf eine nächste Entdeckungsreise, warum nicht in Bayern ;-)! Jedenfalls werden wir Nostalgic weiterempfehlen.“

- “A great team that we got to know. They have always accompanied us on this wonderful Mille Miglia trip, informed us and framed us very professionally. Your commitment is worthy of this praise. We were pleasantly surprised by the visits and demonstrations at Badia a Coltibuono, Pienza and San Gimignano. We liked it very much. We look forward to the next voyage of discovery, why not in Bavaria ;-)! In any case, we will recommend Nostalgic. "

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Bertram Horn, Amalfi Tour:
„Unsere Erwartungshaltung war sehr hoch und wurde mehr als erfüllt. Unvergleichliche Momente. Wir werden wieder bei Nostalgic eine Reise buchen.“

- “Our expectations were very high and were more than fulfilled. Incomparable moments. We will book a trip with Nostalgic again. "

What our guests say about the Nostalgic team

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Lutz Natusch, Mille Miglia Tour:
„Sehr sehr gut die gesamte Betreuung! Einfach professionell, hilfsbereit und herzlich!! 5 Sterne!!“

- “Very, very good, the entire support! Simply professional, helpful and warm !! 5 Stars!!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Rolf Willke, Gran Premio Nuvolari Tour:
„Besonderes Lob gebührt den Betreuern Leo, Vincent und Alex, die sich während der gesamten Tour hervorragend um uns gekümmert haben und auch einige sehr nützliche Empfehlungen für uns hatten.“

- "Special praise is due to the supervisors Leo, Vincent and Alex, who took great care of us during the entire tour and also had some very useful recommendations for us."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Dr. Holm Fischäder, Lago Maggiore Tour:
„Perfekte Vorbereitung der Etappen, Einweisung in die Fahrzeuge und Begleitung der Tagesetappen durch das Service-Team Ludwig Zoller und Christopher Demichiel. Unterstützung auch bei kleinen „Unpässlichkeiten“, z. B. Beschaffung vergessener Arzneimittel. Herzlichen Dank!“

- “Perfect preparation of the stages, instruction in the vehicles and accompaniment of the daily stages by the service team Ludwig Zoller and Christopher Demichiel. Support even with small "ailments", e.g. B. Obtaining forgotten medicines. Thank you very much!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – Christopher Pelosi, Hertford UK:
„Walter and his team were exceptional. Any request was without a problem. As our first tour with Nostalgic our choice of Tuscany was a fabulous introduction. We will be back to have more fun, and an exceptional “classic car driving” experience.“

Impressions from the Press

Since the founding of this company in 2003, several hundred nationally and internationally renowned news outlets have reported extensively about Nostalgic. No comparable event organisers can share in such a reputations. On top of that, because of the conditions we keep our fleet, many film teams regularly use Nostalgic cars in their movies and photoshoots.
Auto Motor und Sport:
“Nostalgic… perhaps the most sensual kind of automobile travel. Pure enjoyment. . "
Süddeutsche Zeitung:
"At the sight of this fleet of vintage cars, even car connoisseurs get bright eyes."
"Dream roads in Tuscany" and that is not even an exaggeration, it could hardly be more dreamlike ...! "
‘My husband still can’t believe that my euphoria still does not want to go away two days after my return from Tuscany.’
Manager Magazin:
"The guests are enthusiastic ... Enjoyment and driving fun are programmed equally"
„La dolce Veloce…I’ve never seen Tuscany looking so good“

Five Stars for Nostalgic

The indepedent certification institute awarded Nostalgic the maximum number of stars available for exceptional customer ratings.

We highly value and encourage each guest on a Nostalgic trip to contribute their comprehensive feedback, enabling us to continuously improve our services.

The Team behind Nostalgic

When you travel with Nostalgic you will quickly notice the excellent condition of our fleet, but the real jewel of Nostalgic is our team.
At Nostalgic our hearts are invested in classic cars and the Dolce Vita. We have the know-how, the passion, and we want to share it with each of our guests.

To ensure that you can spend your classic car trip carefree, our tour guides will take care and create a smooth experience for your heart and mind.

Our tour guides are not just your first point of contact for questions about the cars or the respective route. They also understand how to lead a group diplomatically, to take care of the organization of local service providers, and bring you closer to your travel destination through their knowledge to deliver.

The German travel magazine Abenteuer und Reisen wrote it aptly: "Young people in their twenties, experienced, pleasantly friendly and well informed".

Come discover our team for yourself. Give us a call while planning for your next vacation! We look forward to assisting you in all the arrangements and introducing you to your guide!

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Nostalgic GmbH & Co.KG

Balanstraße 73 / 81541 München
Office: +49 (0)89 5454060
Fax: +49 (0)89 5454066

Nostalgic is the premium provider for unforgettable adventure trips & incentive travel with vintage cars as well as an exclusive partner of Mercedes-Benz.
Founder by name Walter Laimer Gert Pichler - Nostalgic Oldtimerreisen
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